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Administration publications are now available on SlideShare

The latest editions of publications by FGV’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP) are now available on SlideShare.


In order to facilitate access to its highly valuable content, the latest editions of publications by FGV’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP) are now available on SlideShare – an online tool used to share PowerPoint presentations and PDF documents.  

Some of the new SlideShare content includes editions of the RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas (Journal of Business Management), consolidated as a benchmark in Business Administration among scholars and researchers, standing out for its high quality and academic standards.

In the field of Public Administration, CGP&C - Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania (Public Management and Citizenship Journal), recently ranked as B1 by Qualis/Capes, mainly features scholar papers to promote research and debate on the development of public policies and management practices.

The international Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management (JOSCM) promotes knowledge and practical development in the field of operations and supply chain management.

GVcasos - Revista Brasileira de Casos de Ensino em Administração (Brazilian Journal of Teaching Cases on Administration), is the very first Brazilian journal specialized in educational Administration, featuring over seventy teaching cases in Portuguese and English, and covering a broad range of topics applied in undergraduate, graduate and continuing education courses.

GVexec - Revista GV-Executivo (GV-Executive) is a management journal for administrators, discussing ideas and trends through a friendly language and featuring contributions from academic and corporate leaders.

Click here to access the publications.

Follow FGV’s international page on SlideShare, where content in English is published.