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Social Sciences

Book addresses history of Africa and African descendants in Brazil

Giving special attention to the African societies that are directly related to Brazilian history, professor of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), Ynaê Lopes dos Santos, launches the book ‘História da África e do Brasil Afrodescendente [History of Africa and of African Descendants in Brazil]’.

Book addresses history of Africa and African descendants in Brazil

The history of Africa is much more than what has been taught for years in schools. With the purpose of exploring some of these neglected stories, giving special attention to the African societies that are directly related to Brazilian history, professor of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), Ynaê Lopes dos Santos, launches the book ‘História da África e do Brasil Afrodescendente [History of Africa and of African Descendants in Brazil]’. The work will be launched on November 21, starting at 6:30 p.m. at Livraria da Travessa, in Leblon (Av. Afrânio de Melo Franco, 290. Loja 205 A – Rio de Janeiro).

The author’s intention is to fill in this gap, since Brazil is a country whose history was built by thousands of Africans and their descendents, whose lives and stories received very little attention or were totally silenced for a very long time.

“Learning a little more about the African continent is a way of better understanding the world and ourselves”, highlights the professor.

Go to the website for more information on the book.