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Social Sciences

Book launched on Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian regime in Venezuela

Other researchers specialized in modern political history of Venezuela will join the author to discuss the book, at the book signing event.


Written by researcher Mariana Bruce, the book Estado e democracia nos tempos de Hugo Chávez (1998-2013)[State and democracy under Hugo Chávez (1998-2013)], published by FGV Press, combs through Hugo Chávez’ government and Venezuela’s major transformations during the so-called “20th century socialism”. The author will attend a book signing and discussion panel event held at Livraria da Travessa de Botafogo (Rio de Janeiro) on March 23, at 7 PM.

Other researchers specialized in modern political history of Venezuela will join the author to discuss the book, including Danilo Spinola, Eduardo Scheidt, Flávio Túlio Ribeiro Silva, Felipe Ador, Rafael Araújo, and Vicente Ribeiro.

The book offers readers an opportunity to truly understand the strength of social movements in Latin America, both in and out of the government.