Brazilian Ministry of Education classifies Public Management and Citizenship Journal as B1
The journal is published by the Center for Public Administration and Government Studies (CEAPG), from FGV’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP).

The Public Management and Citizenship Journal (Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania) was promoted to category B1 in the Qualis Capes for the field of Public and Business Administration, Accounting, and Tourism, in the latest rankings released by the Brazilian Ministry of Education's Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The journal is published by the Center for Public Administration and Government Studies (CEAPG), from FGV’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP).
“This is the result of all of the hard work put in by the journal’s publishing team and RAE-publicações (Journal of Business Management), which support the journal’s viability and visibility,” said the editor-in-chief Mário Aquino Alves. The professor also thanked the journal’s authors, reviewers, and readers for this achievement and stated that the goal now is to continue working to move even higher up in the rankings.
The latest edition (v. 21, n. 70, of 2016) of the Public Management and Citizenship Journal features four papers from the ‘Language and Public Action’ forum – a partnership between the journal and the Interpretive Policy Analysis 11th International Conference, held by University of Hull (UK) –, as well as five other papers that discuss different aspects of public policies in Brazil.
Visit the website to read the journal.
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