Call for papers: International Congress proposes debate on digital humanities
FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) and UNIRIO will host the 1st International Conference on Digital Humanities in Rio de Janeiro from April 9-13, 2018.

FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) and UNIRIO will host the 1st International Conference on Digital Humanities in Rio de Janeiro from April 9-13, 2018. The event is a unique opportunity for researchers, professors and students of Art, Culture and of the Social, Human, Exact and Computational Sciences to present their research and reflect on the impact of information technologies, communication networks and the digitalization of standards and processes in the every day lives of individuals and their effects on local and global institutions and societies, in the Brazilian reality. Applicants must submit their proposals by November 20.
The Conference has the purpose of strengthening initiatives in already existing Digital Humanities, especially at a national level. In addition, the event aims to drive academic production and collaborative works, give international visibility to the projects and disseminate knowledge through open sharing of the works selected for presentation.
In this first edition, the following central themes will be debated: ‘Contemporary Thinking and the Digital World’; ‘Technology, Culture, Politics and Society’; ‘Digital Collections and Social Memory’; ‘Representation of Knowledge, Semantics and Open Data’; ‘Great Collections of Textual Data in Digital Humanities’; ‘Art and Digital Expressions’; ‘Visualization, Sonification and Network Analysis’; and ‘Digital Humanities and the Brazilian Reality’.
The event is an initiative of the Digital Humanities Lab (LHuD) of the CPDOC and of the Laboratory for Preservation and Management of Digital Collections (LABOGAD), of Unirio. Go to the website for more information and to submit papers.
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