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Social Sciences

Call for papers: International Seminar discusses Post-Abolition History

FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), in partnership with other institutions, will hold the ‘2nd International Seminar on Post-Abolition History in the Atlantic World’, from May 15-18, 2018. Researchers interested in participating in the discussions must submit their work for assessment by January 7, 2018.

Call for papers: International Seminar discusses Post-Abolition History

The abolition of slavery in Brazil celebrates 130 years in 2018. The date articulates a series of meanings assigned, questioned, and disputed by different social subjects from the past and the present. To discuss the issue, the Laboratory for Ethnic and Racial Studies (LEER) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), in partnership with ANPUH, GT Emancipações e Pós Abolição, UnB, UFRRJ, and with support from UFRJ and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CNPq), will hold the ‘2nd International Seminar on Post-Abolition History in the Atlantic World’, from May 15-18, 2018. Researchers interested in participating in the discussions must submit their work for assessment by January 7, 2018.

The purpose of the event is to foster extensive public debate on the subject. The scenario also allows the reflections to extrapolate the rigid limits suggested by the chronological milestone of May 13 – signature date of the Lei Áurea [Golden Law] – and to go beyond the specifics of the Brazilian national experience.

The works should address issues such as ‘memory and Public History of slavery and freedom;’ ‘racism and anti-racism in historical perspective;’ ‘black intellectuals and activists;’ ‘social trajectories and practices: race, class, gender, and sexuality;’ ‘post-abolition historiographic balance;’ ‘public policies for repairing Atlantic slavery;’ and ‘re-education of ethnic-racial relations.’

The meeting will be held in FGV’s main office in Rio de Janeiro (Praia de Botafogo, 190. Botafogo). Go to the website for more information.