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Social Sciences

Columbia University historian presents paper on U.S. foreign policy and data mining

The international guest will speak at the lecture titled “Which Countries Count in the U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda? New Research from Data-Mining 200,000 Declassified Documents”.

Join us in Sao Paulo, on May 17, to discuss the main problems of contemporary international planning. University historian presents paper on U.S. foreign policy and data mining

The Digital Humanities Lab (LHuD) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will welcome Columbia University historian Matthew Connelly on May 17, at 2 p.m. The international guest will speak at the lecture titled “Which Countries Count in the U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda? New Research from Data-Mining 200,000 Declassified Documents”.

Connelly coordinates the History Lab at Columbia, an online portal conceived to use data science to recover and repair the fabric of the past. By compiling fragmented historical collections in a common database, the laboratory employs digital viewing and machine learning resources to explore such information.

Matthew Connelly is a professor of International and Global History at Columbia and has received five awards for his book “A Diplomatic Revolution.” His second book, “Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population,” also won the Book of the Year award from The Economist and the Financial Times.

The lecture is part of the “International Security” undergraduate course, taught by Professor Victor Coutinho Lage, under CPDOC’s Supplementary Graduation Program for International Relations.

Go to the website to learn more and to register.