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Connected Education: Seminar looks at technology as ally of education

The seminar will present the results of the initiative’s studies and discuss technology policies in education from a broad perspective.

Connected Education: Seminar looks at technology as ally of education

For four years, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education Policies (FGV CEIPE) has been responsible for monitoring and evaluating the national development bank’s Connected Education Initiative, through the School Technology Observatory (OTec). Now, FGV CEIPE is holding a seminar called “Technology as an Ally of Education: Learning from BNDES’ Connected Education Initiative,” on May 25, at 10 am, at the FGV Cultural Center.

During this period, various studies have been conducted, including reports, case studies and data scorecards, and a Network of Research Centers on Educational Technology (OTec Network) has been established, involving over 35 universities. The seminar will present the results of the initiative’s studies and discuss technology policies in education from a broad perspective.

Confirmed speakers: Ana Fabbro, general technology and innovation coordinator, Education Ministry; Ângela Amin, former federal representative; Cláudia Costin, FGV CEIPE; Daniel de Bonis, Lemann Foundation; Fabiana Versutti, CONECTALAB, University of Sao Paulo; Fábio Roitman, BNDES; Gabriela Gambi, Inter-American Development Bank; Guilherme França, Unibanco Institute; Júlia Sant’anna, CIEB; Patrícia Mota Guedes, Itaú Social Foundation; Israel Batista, former federal representative; Rodrigo Uchôa, CISCO; Romualdo Portela, CENPEC; Tassia Cruz, FGV CEIPE; Valter Silvério, CDINN.

FGV Cultural Center
186 Praia de Botafogo, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro

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