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Social Sciences

Corporatism, authoritarianism and democracy debated at International Conference

The event is divided into six thematic panels, gathering researchers and professors to discuss topics such as “corporatism in the institutions”, “corporatism and politics”, “the praxis of corporatism”, “corporatism and economy”, “corporatism and social thinking” and “Latin American corporatism in post-1945”.

Corporatism, authoritarianism and democracy debated at International Conference

FGV’s School of Social Sciences (FGV) will host the International Conference on Corporatism, Authoritarianism and Democracy of the International Network for Studies on Corporatism and the Organized Interests (Netcor) on October 22-24. The seminar aims to consolidate Brazil as one of the main hubs when it comes to generating knowledge and discussing corporatism, showcasing studies carried out in the country, intensifying the dialog between Brazilian experts and their foreign colleagues, and training Brazilian graduate students researching corporatism in Latin America and Europe.

The event, organized by CPDOC professor Marco Aurélio Vannucchi Leme de Mattos, is divided into six thematic panels, gathering researchers and professors to discuss topics such as “corporatism in the institutions”, “corporatism and politics”, “the praxis of corporatism”, “corporatism and economy”, “corporatism and social thinking” and “Latin American corporatism in post-1945”. Thus, the conference intends to make a deeper and systematic analysis of this phenomenon.

Netcor is a network that brings together researchers and research centers studying corporatism and the organization of social and economic interests in Brazil, Latin America, Europe and the rest of the world. The theme of corporatism received great attention from historians and social scientists until the early 1980s, when it became peripheral in the global academic production. However, we are seeing a resumption of this research agenda, especially in Latin America and Europe.

Go to the website to learn more about the event.