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Social Sciences

Event discusses management and preservation of humanities research data

The event will promote discussion among players that deal with research data in the human and social sciences and propose a network for management and preservation of research data

Event discusses management and preservation of humanities research data

On September 25 and 26, Fundação Getulio Vargas, the National Archives and the Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) will hold the First Meeting on Management and Preservation of Humanities Research Data. The event will promote discussion among players that deal with research data in the human and social sciences and propose a network for management and preservation of research data.

The first day of the event will take place at the National Archives (Praça da República, 173, Rio de Janeiro), starting at 9 am. There will be three debates about growing interest in data collected or generated by research activities in the last decade. Later that day, international guest Jonathan Crabtree of the ODUM Institute will give a talk about data management and preservation.

The second day will be dedicated to two workshops in FGV’s main building (Praia de Botafogo, 190, Rio de Janeiro). Jonathan Crabtree of the ODUM Institute and Miguel Ángel Mardero Arellano of IBICT will coordinate these two mini-courses, aimed at training participants to deal with the specific features of data requiring treatment and growing demand to create rules on use and reuse unlike those applied to data generated in other areas of knowledge. 

For more information about the event, click here.