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Social Sciences

Event presents project on collaborative mapping of the history of Sao Paulo

The project developed and made available a historical digital cartographic base of the city of Sao Paulo, referring to the period of its urban-industrial modernization (1870-1940).

Event presents project on collaborative mapping of the history of Sao Paulo

The Digital Humanities Lab (LHuD) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will be holding a session on the project “Pauliceia 2.0: mapeamento colaborativo da história de São Paulo (1870-1940)” (“Pauliceia 2.0: Collaborative Mapping of the History of Sao Paulo (1870-1940)” on May 29, at 2:00 p.m. Coordinated by Professor Luis Ferla (UNIFESP), the event will be held at Casa Acervo CPDOC (Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 60, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ).

The project developed and made available a historical digital cartographic base of the city of Sao Paulo, referring to the period of its urban-industrial modernization (1870-1940). The event aims to discuss the online platform, disseminate its use, and motivate the participation of scholars. The digital cartographic base is associated with an interface that allows the interactivity of interested researchers, so that they can feed the base available with spatializable events of their own research. Thus, interested researchers can produce maps and visualizations of their respective searches from the base provided, while enriching the base made available with the information that will be fed to the system.

The technology and methodology developed – the platform is in its beta stage – are available to researchers interested in other time and space clippings. The goal is thus to create the conditions for enriching the approaches of the history of Sao Paulo of that period, while seeking to stimulate similar projects for other cities and times, in accordance with the most recent and interesting developments of the so-called digital humanities, with an emphasis on collaborative work and the free circulation of knowledge.

The project was approved by FAPESP’s eScience and is a partnership between UNIFESP’s Guarulhos (Hímaco and CAPPH groups) and Sao José dos Campos campuses, Emory University, the State Archives, and the National Institute of Space Research, coordinated by Karine Reis Ferreira.

Please visit the website for more information and to make your registration.