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FGV administration school joins unprecedented international academic program

The newly released International Business Education Alliance (IBEA) allows students to take select courses across schools from three different countries.


FGV’s Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE) is one of the four educational institutions to join an exclusive educational program for undergraduate students – the first of its kind. The newly released International Business Education Alliance (IBEA) allows students to take select courses across schools from three different countries.

Nine EBAPE students who have already taken the first four periods of the Administration course were selected for this initial phase, which will last for a year and a half. They will carry on their studies in other universities: University of Mannheim Business School (Germany), University of South Carolina – Darla Moore School of Business (U.S.) and ESSEC Business School (France), with classes held at the Singapore campus. Students kicked off the program’s activities in Germany. 

In addition to the disciplines required by these universities, students must also take a specific discipline related to the institution’s primary field of expertise, namely finance and fiscal matters at the German school, international business at the American school, and Asian culture and business at the French school. EBAPE plans to offer a development, transparency and ethics discipline to the program’s students.

“The program provides ample academic and cultural experiences to students. For a year and a half, our students will get to live with people from around the globe, expanding their vision of the world and their own network,” said EBAPE’s International Relations Manager, Mônica Balanda. The program’s schools will also offer another discipline on culture, sharing in-depth knowledge of the values and customs of each respective country.

The partnership between schools has been growing since 2011. “It is a truly groundbreaking program, established from the will to provide Administration undergraduate students a unique and sweeping overview of the global business environment, through an integrated experience across four continents and with students from all over the world,” said Balanda.

Besides the massive local and regional exposure, students will also acquire hands-on experience in global management, working closely with each school’s corporate partner, in addition to the opportunity of spending time around a diversified group of students from highly renowned universities worldwide.

Visit the IBEA website for more information about the program.