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FGV congratulates FGV EBAPE alumni and professors on success of Hathor Project

The project was begun in 2017 by Professor Alexandre Linhares of the FGV Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV EBAPE), who is currently on unpaid leave, as well as Marcelo Brogliato and Layla Mendes, who have doctorates from FGV EBAPE. The initiative’s tokens have been valued on some exchanges at parity with the U.S. dollar.

FGV congratulates FGV EBAPE alumni and professors on success of Hathor Project

One of the focuses of FGV’s courses, whether undergraduate, graduate or extension, is encouragement of entrepreneurship. On February 23, an initiative undertaken by FGV professors and students was valued by the financial markets at R$954 million. This is the Hathor Project, which involved creating a flexible and scalable crypto asset, allowing the simple creation of tokens.

The project was begun in 2017 by Professor Alexandre Linhares of the FGV Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV EBAPE), who is currently on unpaid leave, as well as Marcelo Brogliato and Layla Mendes, who have doctorates from FGV EBAPE. The initiative’s tokens have been valued on some exchanges at parity with the U.S. dollar.

“These kinds of prices are always going up and down. The project is still extremely new and operating on a large scale in stealth mode. Because of the financial support we have received, there are now dozens of people involved in the project, in many ways, on multiple continents. With a little luck, we will soon be competing against the most valuable crypto assets. Nevertheless, I think this is a moment to reflect a little on what we have already achieved,” said Professor Linhares.

What are crypto assets?

The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) defines crypto assets as virtual assets, protected by cryptography, present exclusively in digital records, whose operations are performed and stored on a computer network.

These assets arose with the intention of allowing individuals or companies to make electronic payments or financial transfers directly to other individuals or companies, without the need for intermediation by a financial institution, including to make international payments or transfers.

* FGV congratulates its professors and students on the success of this undertaking while clarifying that it is an individual initiative, without any participation or investment on the part of Fundação Getulio Vargas.