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Social Sciences

FGV CPDOC is part of international humanitarian aid innovation project

This project seeks to help improve the quality and effectiveness of humanitarian activities by training students and professionals, by implementing a module on Humanitarian Response Assessment in humanities master’s courses

FGV CPDOC is part of international humanitarian aid innovation project

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) took part in the first meeting of the Innovation in Humanitarian Response Project, funded by the Erasmus + Program, on February 26, 2021. Coordinated by Lisbon University Institute, this project seeks to help improve the quality and effectiveness of humanitarian activities by training students and professionals, by implementing a module on Humanitarian Response Assessment in humanities master’s courses.

This module will be based on innovative methodological approaches to participatory assessment. It will contribute to the development of new learning tools that incorporate the contributions of partner universities and NGOs, which are directly involved in humanitarian actions and have knowhow in this area.

As well as FGV and Lisbon University Institute, the project’s participants are Icesi University in Colombia, NGOs Sened Dernegi and Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Derneği Ankara Şubesi and Hacettepe University in Turkey, the Magtel Foundation and the National Distance Learning University in Spain, and the Marquês de Valle Flôr Institute in Portugal.