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FGV to give Business Ethics and Compliance lecture at congress in the U.S.

The 3rd International Congress on Business & Compliance will be held at University of Central Florida, in Orlando, from April 10 - 14.


The 3rd International Congress on Business & Compliance, to be held from April 10 - 14 in Orlando, Florida, will feature Marco Tulio Zanini, professor from FGV’s Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE). The professor will lead the opening lecture on April 10, titled “The importance of business ethics to build a new country.” The invitation came from the IBDEE – Brazilian Institute of Business Ethics and Law.

The event will be held at University of Central Florida (UCF), the second largest university in the U.S., gathering executives, attorneys, justices, and scholars from around the world to discuss Business Ethics & Compliance, in addition to the reestablishment of institutional confidence.

The Brazilian Institute of Business Ethics and Law is a non-profit organization whose goal is to use Law as a means to promote business integrity and healthy relationships between executives and the government. The organization aims to leverage the ethical commitment of executives and politics, in addition to promoting sustainable economic growth.