FGV hosts debate on corruption in private companies
Researchers Andréa Oliveira de Carvalho e Silva, Paulo Arvate (both from EAESP) and Yen-Tsang Chen (NEOMA France) based their work on an experiment with senior managers and engineers from U.S. companies directly dealing with sales departments for at least three years.

The Institute of Finance (IFIN) of FGV’s São Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP) will host the event ‘Private Corruption’ on February 9, from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The meeting will feature the findings of a research that investigated how corruption operates in the corporate environment and how it can be fought at a management level.
Researchers Andréa Oliveira de Carvalho e Silva, Paulo Arvate (both from EAESP) and Yen-Tsang Chen (NEOMA France) based their work on an experiment with senior managers and engineers from U.S. companies directly dealing with sales departments for at least three years.
The event discusses their findings, which indicate that corruption is a reality among those managers, despite the common belief that this issue is restricted to the public sector.
Anyone interested in attending the event must register on the website.
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