FGV hosts seminar on Latin American and Iberian corporatist experiences
The 1st Seminar on New Prospects for Corporatism will be held in Rio de Janeiro, from June 26 to 27.

FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will host the 1st Seminar on New Prospects for Corporatism on June 26 and 27, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The event will be held at auditorium 908 of FGV’s main office, in Rio de Janeiro, covering Latin American and Iberian corporatist experiences.
The first roundtable will discuss Corporatism, dictatorship and democracy. The subject will be addressed by António Costa Pinto, from the University of Lisbon (Corporatism between authoritarianism and democracy. Dissemination, concepts and practices), Claudia Viscardi, from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora - UFJF (Corporatism: a conceptual and historiographical analysis), Martí Marín Corbera, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Fascismo y corporativismo. Un análisis del desarrollo de la dictadura franquista, 1936-1975), and Paula Borges Santos, from New University of Lisbon (Corporatism and institutional reform: the Portuguese case - 1933-1974). Antonio Luigi Negro (UFBA) will be the panelist of the roundtable, mediated by Marco Aurélio Vannucchi (CPDOC).
The second panel will focus on discussions surrounding the generation and dissemination of corporate ideas, featuring Larissa Rosa Corrêa, from PUC-RJ (Between corporatism and anti-communism: the Union Leadership Academy), Leandro Pereira Gonçalves, from PUC-RS (The integralist corporatist triad: Plínio Salgado, Gustavo Barroso and Miguel Reale), and Luciano Aronne, also from PUC-RS (Social order and economic development: corporatism à la Brazil.) The panelist will be Fernando Perlatto, from UFJF, and the mediator will be Américo Freire, from CPDOC.
On the second day of the event, debates will focus on corporatism, social domination and representation of interests. The panel will feature the papers “El corporativismo de mediados del siglo XX en Colombia,” by Helwar Hernando Figueroa Salamanca (Industrial University of Santander, Colombia), “Corporativismo y control sindical en Paraguay. Análisis de sus orígenes, actores y marcos institucionales,” by Ignacio González Bozzolasco (Catholic University of Asuncion, Paraguay), “Middle Class and Corporatism in Brazil,” by Marco Aurélio Vannucchi (CPDOC), and “Notes on corporatism and entrepreneurs in Brazil”, by Paulo Roberto Neves Costa (UFPR). The panel will be mediated by Paulo Fontes (CPDOC), featuring Renato Boschi (UERJ) as panelist.
The final roundtable of the seminar will address corporatist experiences under a comparative perspective, featuring the papers “Tipos de corporativismo en América Latina. Un aporte desde la sociología histórica comparada,” by Agustin Santella (University of Buenos Aires - UBA), “Corporatism as an instrument of planned economy – historical corporatism, economy and institutions,” by Álvaro Garrido (University of Coimbra, Portugal), “El corporativista social en los años sesenta: entre la ‘Revolución Argentina’ (1966-1973) y la ‘Revolución en Libertad’ (1964-1970),” by Gabriela Gomes, (UBA and National University of General Sarmiento, Argentina).
Go to the website to register for the event.
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