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Social Sciences

FGV launches book about political history of Rio de Janeiro

Book by Marly Motta analyzes different movements led by Rio de Janeiro politicians since the merger of the states of Guanabara and Rio de Janeiro.

FGV launches book about political history of Rio de Janeiro

E agora, Rio?: um estado em busca de um autor” (“What now, Rio? A state in search of an author”), a book by historian Marly Motta, examines the political history of the state of Rio de Janeiro between 1975 and 2021. The book marks the end of a trilogy about Rio de Janeiro, which began with Motta’s 1997 dissertation, “O Rio de Janeiro continua sendo…: de cidade-capital a estado da Guanabara” and continued with “Saudades da Guanabara” (2000).

The launch event will take place at Blooks Livraria, a bookstore at Espaço Itaú de Cinema, Praia de Botafogo, 316, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, on May 11, at 7 pm. During the event, there will be a chat between the author, Professor Marieta de Moraes Ferreira of FGV and journalist Thiago Prado.

As a scholar of Rio de Janeiro politics, Marly Motta took on the challenge of seeking to understand the imprisonment of five former governors – Moreira Franco, Garotinho, Rosinha, Sergio Cabral and Pezão – and the impeachment of Wilson Witzel, the governor-elect in 2018. In her book, the researcher analyzes various unsuccessful experiments carried out by politicians since the merger of the states of Guanabara and Rio de Janeiro.

Over the course of eight articles, the author discusses the various responses given by those who sought to be recognized as authors/creators of the “new” Rio de Janeiro, resulting from the merger of two states with very different histories and political-institutional trajectories. According to Motta, the question in her book’s title, “What now, Rio?” reflects the anxiety and impatience in the hearts and minds of the inhabitants of this city and state. She also sought answers about the many events that have occurred in the state in less than 50 years.

To buy the book, click here.