FGV Press releases book on Brazilian democracy
This is a book of critical interpretations that dissects the behavior of voters leading up to the 2014 elections.

In the work ‘A democracia impedida: o Brasil no século XXI’ [Democracy prevented: Brazil in the 21st century], launched by FGV Press, political scientist Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos analyzes the Brazilian political scenario in 2016 and the events that ultimately led to the impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff. The book will be launched on April 24, at 6 PM, at the Institute of Social and Political Studies (IESP), in Botafogo (Rua da Matriz, 82).
This is a book of critical interpretations that dissects the behavior of voters leading up to the 2014 elections. A work that assesses the panorama of the president’s re-election, the legacy of the previous administration, the comparisons and differences with the political events of 1964 and 2016, the institutional coup and the parliamentary coup, the establishment and opposition, among several other characteristics of such historical event.
Throughout the book, the author and researcher from Rio de Janeiro – awarded by the Brazilian Academy of Letters (ABL) in 2004, under the Essay category, for the book “O cálculo do conflito: estabilidade e crise na política brasileira” [Calculating conflict: stability and crisis in Brazilian politics] – features the parliamentary coup as a genuinely unprecedented phenomenon in the history of representative democracies, including classical, modern, mass, consolidating, or transitioning democracies.
For more information about the book, in Portuguese, visit the website.
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