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FGV promotes debate on the competitiveness of Brazilian exports

The meeting aims to identify strategies and solutions for the main bottlenecks in the Brazilian export process, based on a consolidated overview between government, business, and academia.


The Center of Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chain (GVcelog) of FGV’s São Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP) will host the event ‘Competitiveness in Exports: Paths and Solutions’ on March 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The meeting aims to identify strategies and solutions for the main bottlenecks in the Brazilian export process, based on a consolidated overview between government, business, and academia. Directed towards executives and managers from the public and private sectors, researchers, opinion makers, and others involved in the foreign trade process, the event is free and has limited availability.

The meeting will kick off with an Overall Research Presentation. The opening presentation will introduce the academic aspects, led by professors Juliana Bonomi and Alexandre Pignanelli, from EAESP’s Department of Operations, in addition to collaborating researchers from GVcelog. The business aspects will then be addressed by Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI - National Industry Confederation), featuring executive manager Diego Z. Bonomo, from the Foreign Trade Unit.

The opening lecture will be followed by Panel 1, on Logistics and Infrastructure, featuring Wagner Cardoso, infrastructure manager at CNI. The Government topic will be discussed in a lecture by a representative of the Ministry of Transport. The subject will be analyzed from a scholarly point of view by professor Manoel A. S. Reis, GVcelog coordinator and consultant from FGV Projetos, ending the first round of the event.

Panel 2 will feature the topic Bureaucracy and Institutional Factors. The lecturer will be Diego Z. Bonomo, executive manager from CNI’s Foreign Trade Unit. This lecture will be followed by a conference with a representative of the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade, and Services. The panel will also feature an expert from FGV’s São Paulo Law School (Direito SP), who will present their opinion before the event ends with the considerations of all participants.

The event will be held at FGV São Paulo (Rua Itapeva, 432, 4th floor. Bela Vista, São Paulo). Applicants can sign up for the free event on the website.