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FGV undergraduate courses get top marks in Guia do Estudante

The experts review and grade each course based on three aspects: pedagogic project, faculty, and infrastructure.

FGV undergraduate courses get top marks in Guia do Estudante

Fundação Getulio Vargas ranked five stars in the Guia do Estudante (Student Guide). FGV’s undergraduate courses made top marks in the annual survey of the magazine published by Editora Abril. The courses of Administration (EBAPE), Business Administration and Public Administration (EAESP), Economics (EPGE and EESP), Social Sciences (CPDOC), Law (Direito Rio and Direito SP), and Applied Mathematics (EMAp) scored the top grade. Such outstanding performance reinforces the constant efforts by FGV’s schools to qualify students to help leverage Brazil’s socio-economic development, through a combination of strength, experience, innovation, and a second-to-none faculty.

Currently in its 27th edition, Guia do Estudante aims to guide those interested in starting an undergraduate course, presenting updated information about institutions, job market, and careers. The survey is held annually by means of a poll with more than 11,000 experts – course coordinators, department heads, and professors – who grade the courses from poor to excellent (one to five).

The experts review and grade each course based on three aspects: pedagogic project, faculty, and infrastructure. The final grade is the average between all three scores plus the grades from the two previous years, each of which has a different weight.

Guia do Estudante is regarded as one of the main references for undergraduate candidates in Brazil. The publication with the complete list of reviewed courses is already available in newsstands.