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Social Sciences

FGV welcomes author of book on 'Fascist Temptation in Brazil'

The book translates what fascism meant for Brazilians who joined the movement and the emergence of its leader, Plínio Salgado, amidst the political context of the early 1930’s.

FGV welcomes author of book on 'Fascist Temptation in Brazil'

FGV bookstore, in partnership with UFRGS publisher, will hold an event to launch the book ‘A tentação fascista no Brasil: imaginário de dirigentes e militantes integralistas’ [Fascist temptation in Brazil: imaginary of integralist leaders and militants], in Rio de Janeiro. The event will be held on May 11 at 5 p.m., featuring author Hélgio Trindade and researcher Lucia Lippi Oliveira (FGV’s School of Social Sciences – CPDOC) to discuss the subject.

Although the book focuses on an analysis of interviews with former integralism leaders and militants, in his book ‘Epilogue: is there still fascist temptation in Brazil?’ he discusses the new global and Brazilian scenarios. One should not underestimate the importance of the new right-wing populism, which emerged in Europe in the 1980’s, especially the parties, movements, and governments that had a considerable rise in major countries.

In addition to being a scholarly work, the book translates what fascism meant for Brazilians who joined the movement and the emergence of its leader, Plínio Salgado, amidst the political context of the early 1930’s, as well as the movement’s organization, spirit, and style. The book properly emphasizes common themes that define a movement as plainly fascist, discovering the varieties of fascism within its core unit, and deepening the analysis of the various fascist ideological families.

Go to the website for more information, in Portuguese, about the book.