Filmmaker Emílio Domingos talks about the relationship between film and social sciences at FGV
In addition to being a filmmaker, Emílio Domingos is a social scientist, researcher, screenwriter, and producer. He works mainly in the field of documentaries.

On June 11, FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) is holding the lecture “Cinema e Ciências Sociais” (“Film and Social Sciences”), with filmmaker Emílio Domingos, at 11 p.m. The event will be held in Auditorium 306 of FGV Main Office (Praia de Botafogo, 190, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ) and will be part of “Ciclo de Debates – O mercado de trabalho para o cientista social no Brasil” (“Cycle of Debates – The Job Market for Social Scientists in Brazil”).
In addition to being a filmmaker, Domingos is a social scientist, researcher, screenwriter, and producer. He works mainly in the field of documentaries. He graduated in Social Sciences from UFRJ, with an emphasis on Visual Anthropology, Urban Culture, and Youth. He is currently pursuing his Master’s degree in the UFF Graduate Program in Culture and Territoriality and is curator and mediator of Documenta-se Cineclube. He is also curator of the International Ethnographic Film Festival and Visões Periféricas Festival.
His career as director includes the production of the feature films “Deixa na Régua,” winner of the Special Jury Prize of the Rio Film Festival (2016); “A Batalha do Passinho,” winner of the Novos Rumos Exhibition of the Rio Film Festival (2012);” “L.A.P.A.,” voted Best Film at the Camera Mundo Festival, in the Netherlands (2008). He also directed the short films “A Palavra Que Me Leva Além: Histórias do Hip Hop Carioca,” “Quando Xangô Apitar,” “O Bloco Está na Rua,” “Pretinho Babylon,” “Cante um Funk Para um Filme,” “Minha Área,” and “Família Tetra,” among others.
The event is organized by the Audiovisual and Documentary Center of FGV CPDOC, a laboratory whose proposal is to include Social Sciences students and researchers in the audiovisual universe, both in terms of reflection and experimentation, and production.
Please visit the website for more information and to make your registration.
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