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Social Sciences

Groundbreaking study discusses origins and early impact of Goiás’ electoral justice system

Technical cooperation agreement between FGV CPDOC, Regional Electoral Court of Goiás and University of Sao Paulo gave rise to collection of articles launched in May. 

Groundbreaking study discusses origins and early impact of Goiás’ electoral justice system

What is known about the origins and early years of the Regional Electoral Court of Goiás? This was the guiding question for a collection of articles titled “The First Phase of the Electoral Justice System in Goiás (1932-1937),” which resulted from a technical cooperation agreement between the Regional Electoral Court of Goiás, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) and the University of Sao Paulo’s Center for Comparative and International Studies.

The book was organized by professors Jaqueline Zulini (FGV CPDOC) and Paolo Ricci (University of Sao Paulo), who have been investigating the creation of the electoral justice system in Brazil following the enactment of the 1932 Electoral Code, which took place during President Getúlio Vargas’ provisional and authoritarian administration between 1930 and 1934. This collection is designed to expand available knowledge on the trajectory of electoral governance in Brazil beyond the national experience, which is best known thanks to the preservation and dissemination of historical data regarding the Electoral Justice Court of Appeals.

By focusing on the case of Goiás politics in the transition from the First Republic to the Vargas era and the institutionalization of the Regional Electoral Court of Goiás in its early years, the book aims to encourage future analyses of the challenges experienced and the lessons learned by other regional electoral courts in the 1930s. After all, they were protagonists when it came to managing elections.

The publication was launched on May 17, during the Third Week to Celebrate the History of the Goiás Judiciary, organized by the Goiás State Court of Appeals in partnership with the Regional Electoral Court of Goiás and the Regional Labor Court of the 18th Region. During the launch event, the book’s organizers gave an overview of the publication, which will be distributed to public libraries and archives.

You can download an e-book version free of charge in the Publications Catalog of Goiás Federal University’s Publishing House and in the Goiás Electoral System's Virtual Museum