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Social Sciences

Hands-on workshop covers the creation and development of teaching materials based on historical sources

The main purpose of the Workshop, held at Casa Acervo CPDOC, was to create teaching materials based on original historical documents of the School’s collections, available in the website of the online exhibition “Leaving life and joining history: Getúlio Vargas and Political Propaganda”.

Hands-on workshop covers the creation and development of teaching materials based on historical sources

FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) held the workshop titled “Using Historical Sources in the Classroom” on November 27-29, as one of the extension activities of the “Heritage Dissemination and Education” project, coordinated by Daniele Amado and Martina Spohr. Led by the project’s researchers, Amy Westhrop and Ayra Garrido, the Workshop’s goal was to bring History degree students and other areas into CPDOC to conceive, debate and develop teaching materials using historical sources, in order to promote historical knowledge and critical thinking in the classroom.

The main purpose of the Workshop, held at Casa Acervo CPDOC, was to create teaching materials based on original historical documents of the School’s collections, available in the website of the online exhibition “Leaving life and joining history: Getúlio Vargas and Political Propaganda”.

The Workshop also promoted the CPDOC Collection as a way of reaching out to the audience that visits and accesses Historical Files. The event revealed a lack of disciplines on how to use historical sources within History and Social Science undergraduate courses, pointing out the urgent need for activities like this, besides the importance of discussing archive and collection access and dissemination policies.