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Social Sciences

Integration of digital collections, libraries, and museums to be addressed at lecture in Rio

The guest will talk about the interconnection between web semantics and linked open data, on May 31, at 2:30 pm.

Integration of digital collections, libraries, and museums to be addressed at lecture in Rio

What are the new types of culturally significant relations that can be established between digital objects and collections? Which technology and methodology developments are needed to take advantage of new technologies? What is the role of digital curation in this process? These and other questions will be addressed by professor Carlos Henrique Marcondes (UFF) in a lecture organized by the Digital Humanities Lab (LHuD) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC). The event will be held on May 31, at 2:30 pm, at Casa Acervo CPDOC [CPDOC Archive House].

The guest will talk about the interconnection between web semantics and linked open data, which increasingly allow the publishing of digital collections of archives, libraries, and museums directly on the web, without catalog management systems as intermediaries. An example of this is Europeana, CPDOC’s partner in the mission of disseminating collections in the Portuguese language. Marcondes will also talk about how the emergence of these technologies places the issue of integrating these collections and their interoperability in the center of the discussions, in order to mobilize information scientists, librarians, archivists, curators, linguists, historians, and social scientists, among other professionals.

A professor from the Department of Information Science at UFF and a contributing investigator at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Henrique Marcondes is a certified instructor from the International Council of Museums’ (ICOM) Museum Documentation Committee. His research addresses the organization and representation of knowledge in digital environments, including digital collections and repositories, semantics publications, ontologies, and interoperability.

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