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Social Sciences

International guest will discuss soccer and fiction in Latin America

The international guest will explore the satirical legacy in the emerging corpus of literary fiction on soccer in Spanish America.


The Laboratory for Sports Studies (LESP) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), in partnership with UFRJ’s Laboratory for Leisure and Sports History (Sport), will welcome Professor Shawn Stein (Dickinson College) for the lecture ‘Fair play - the satirical tradition in soccer fiction in Spanish America.’ The event will be held on May 25, at 2 p.m., at auditorium 1014 of FGV’s main office, in Rio de Janeiro (Praia de Botafogo, 190).

The international guest will explore the satirical legacy in the emerging corpus of literary fiction on soccer in Spanish America. While exploring the intersections between satire and the myth of fair play, the author establishes how contemporary football literature authors, in recent decades, invoked the demanding impacts articulated by authors such as Jorge Luis Borges, Adolfo Bioy Casares, and Mario Benedetti, through criticism of exclusion, intimidation, corruption and match-fixing practices.

The lecture will be given in English. Go to the website to learn more and sign up.