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Social Sciences

International lecturer discusses the importance of André Rebouças in Brazilian social history

Professor John French (Duke University) is regarded as one of the leading international experts on the history of labor in Brazil.

International lecturer discusses the importance of André Rebouças in Brazilian social history

On May 19, at 3 p.m., the Laboratory for Labor and Social Movement Studies (LEMT) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will host a lecture titled “The Abolition of Misery - André Rebouças, social history and the challenges of Contemporary Brazil.” The subject will be discussed by Professor John French (Duke University), followed by commentary from professor João Marcelo Maia (CPDOC).

John French is a professor of History at Duke University, in the USA, and regarded as one of the leading international experts on the history of labor in Brazil, with several books written on the subject. His last two books are “Lula’s Politics of Cunning: From Trade Unionism to the Brazilian Presidency” and “Drowning in Laws: Labor Law and Brazilian Political Culture.”

The lecture will be followed by commentary from professor João Marcelo Maia (CPDOC), a sociologist who studies Sociology of Culture, specialized in the following subjects: intellectuals, Brazilian social thought and social science history. He is also involved in researching social theory in peripheral contexts (post-colonialism, decoloniality and peripheral social thought).

Go to the website for more information, in Portuguese.