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Social Sciences

International Social Sciences Universities Network launched in Rome

The purpose of the network is to work in different areas, such as scientific research, academic innovation, exchange programs and policy formulation.

International Social Sciences Universities Network launched in Rome

The dean of the FGV´s School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC), Professor Celso Castro, took part in the inaugural conference of the Social Sciences Universities Network (SSUN), held in Rome on November 4 and 5. SSUN was created by Luiss University in Rome and Renmin University of China in order to promote cooperation between universities in the social sciences.

The purpose of the network is to work in different areas, such as scientific research, academic innovation, exchange programs and policy formulation. Through this initiative, it is believed that the participating universities will play an active role in global governance and stand out as leaders in higher education in the human and social sciences.

FGV is now part of a network composed of dozens of universities that attended the inaugural conference, including Sciences Po, the College of Mexico, the European University Institute, King’s College and the University of Ghana.