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Jabuti Award: Books by FGV professors are among finalists

Six books by professors and researchers from FGV’s Schools have been nominated for the 59th edition of the award, in four categories.

Jabuti Award: Books by FGV professors are among finalists

Fundação Getulio Vargas is one of the finalists running for the Jabuti Award. Six books by professors and researchers from FGV’s Schools have been nominated for the 59th edition of the award, in four categories: biography; short stories and chronicles; law; and economics, administration, business, tourism, hospitality, and leisure. The winners will be announced on October 31.

Under the biography category, FGV is represented by the book ‘Frei Betto: Biografia’ [Friar Betto: Biography], by Américo Freire, professor of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), and Evanize Sydow. The authors reveal the historical significance of the life and work of Carlos Alberto Libanio Christo, also known as ‘Friar Betto’, in the midst of the social and political transformations that took place in Brazil and other Latin American countries starting in the 1960’s. In the short stories and chronicles category, FGV competes with the book ‘Caixa Rubem Braga – Crônicas’ [Rubem Braga Box – Chronicles], compiled by André Seffrin, Bernardo Buarque de Hollanda (CPDOC), and Carlos Didier. The collection brings together a selection of texts that only proves the talent, the timeliness of the themes, and the creative vision of Rubem Braga – regarded as one of the leading chroniclers in Brazilian literature.

Two FGV publications are also among the finalists in the law category. The collection ‘História Oral do Supremo’ [Oral History of the Supreme] is the result of a project that aims to mobilize efforts towards building an unprecedented qualitative data base about the Supreme Federal Court (STF), comprising interviews held with judges that were members of the court between 1988 and 2013. The research is an initiative of Rio de Janeiro Law School (Direito Rio) in partnership with Sao Paulo Law School (Direito SP) and School of Social Sciences (CPDOC). The other finalist book is ‘Controle judicial de uma administração pública complexa: A experiência estrangeira na Adaptação da Intensidade do Controle’ [Judicial control of a complex public administration: Foreign experience in Control Intensity Adaptation], written by Direito Rio professor Eduardo Jordão, who makes a comparative study about the treatment given to the procedures used to determine concrete intensity of judicial control of administrative actions in the law of Canada, United States, Italy, and France.

FGV is also represented by two books in the economics, administration, business, tourism, hospitality, and leisure category. ‘A crise de crescimento do Brasil’ [Brazil’s growth crisis], by Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE) researchers Regis Bonelli and Fernando Veloso, brings together analyses of a set of structural problems that prevent the country from moving forward faster towards development. The other finalist publication in this category is ‘Finanças Públicas’ [Public Finance], by Sao Paulo School of Economics professor Felipe Salto, and Mansueto Almeida. The book analyzes the economic history of Brazil and proposes solutions to the country’s chronic problems, such as inflation, foreign debt, and high domestic interest rate.

Created in 1958, the Jabuti is the most traditional and consecrated book award in Brazil, highlighting the quality of the work in all areas involved in the creation and production of books.

Go to the website, which is in Portuguese, to learn more about the finalists.