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Social Sciences

Lecture reveals trends and limits of online social research

The Digital Humanities Lab (LHuD) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will host the lecture ‘Digital Humanities: perspectives, trends, and limits of online social research’, in Rio de Janeiro, on November 8.

Lecture reveals trends and limits of online social research

The social sciences have been changing right before our very eyes. Researchers now have access to a wide and complex amount of data, specific tools for informational pattern recognition, increasingly sophisticated methodologies to make sense of these regularities, and powerful computer systems, capable of processing tasks in short periods of time. To discuss the subject, the Digital Humanities Lab (LHuD) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will host the lecture ‘Digital Humanities: perspectives, trends, and limits of online social research’, with Thiago Moreira da Silva (IESP-UERJ), on November 8, at 2:30 p.m., at Casa Acervo CPDOC (Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 60, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro).

The presentation will aim to discuss the use of computational techniques and their potential for applied social research. In this sense, participants will debate the main methodological approaches, the trends, and the limits of this kind of research.

Thiago Moreira da Silva holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Brasília (UnB). He is currently a post-doctoral candidate at the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. He has research experience in the fields of political psychology, electoral behavior, social movements, and bureaucracy.

Go to the website for more information and registration.