Open Science discussed with Portuguese government
The goal is to explore the possibility of developing a common frame of access to these repositories in Portuguese-speaking countries.

Fundação Getulio Vargas and the Portuguese State Department for Science, Technology, and Higher Education (SCTES/Portugal) held the ‘Open Science, Science in Portuguese’ meeting on March 21, in the noble hall of FGV’s Presidency.
Coordinated by Professor Maria Fernanda Rollo (SCTES/Portugal) and the dean of FGV’s School of Social Sciences, Professor Celso Castro, the meeting’s purpose was to foster science in Portuguese, promoting and sharing knowledge among Portuguese-speaking countries, making it easier to access and apply such knowledge based on best practices and principles of open science.
The program promotes cooperation and encourages the development of joint projects between Portuguese and Brazilian institutions, taking advantage of existing resources in the field of digital repositories.
The goal is to explore the possibility of developing a common frame of access to these repositories in Portuguese-speaking countries, helping disseminate and apply their content to promote technical standardization, interoperability, and digital preservation practices.
During the meeting, participants discussed the current Brazilian and Portuguese scenarios regarding institutional framework, political and strategic orientations, networks, and infrastructure available to achieve this integration. Participants also debated the challenges and opportunities to update and upgrade digital repositories and preserve digital information in general, and also presented some pilot projects developed with use of digital content in an open science environment, specifically in the fields of public health, and environment and biodiversity.
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