Poet and feminist has personal archive open for public consultation
A vast archive for those interested in the rights of the feminist struggles that took place in Brazil at the beginning of the last century.

In the women’s month, FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will be opening the personal archive of Anna Amélia de Queiroz Carneiro de Mendonça, poet, translator and feminist for public consultation. Approximately 5,000 textual documents will be available for research. A vast archive for those interested in the rights of the feminist struggles that took place in Brazil at the beginning of the last century.
The archive features documentary treasures on equal rights between men and women, divorce, the suffrage issue, women’s health, and the importance of women’s political action in times of war.
Anna Amélia stood out at the time for her representativeness in the struggle for women’s rights and participated in several national and international events. In 1935, she was invited by then-President Getúlio Vargas to represent Brazil at the 12th International Feminist Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey. In the event, she exposed the Mulher Cidadã (“Citizen Woman”) thesis, whose content synthesized the ideas of the first effervescent wave of Brazilian feminism. She also joined a Pan-American alliance for women’s rights and was a comrade in arms of women such as Bertha Lutz.
The poet and pioneering opinion maker was the first woman to join the Electoral Tribunal, composing the board of the 1934 elections, bringing women’s issues to the Constituent Assembly.
Anna Amélia had three children. Among them, the renowned theatre critic Bárbara Heliodora, Brazil’s greatest Shakespeare specialist, who passed in 2015.
The file can be accessed free of charge at the website.
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