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Social Sciences

Preventive healthcare strategies discussed at event in the U.S.

At the event, an FGV professor discussed the design of his experiment on methods to increase the performance of endemic disease control agents.


Professor Umberto Mignozzetti, from FGV’s Center for International Relations, based at the School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), participated in the annual Midwest Political Science Association meeting held in Chicago (U.S.), from April 6 - 9. At the event, Mignozzetti discussed the design of his experiment on methods to increase the performance of endemic disease control agents.

His paper titled ‘Incentives for Preventive Health Care Provision: the case of Zika epidemics in Brazil’ is a field experiment in which healthcare workers earn bonuses and motivational incentives, and have their performance measured through a mobile application developed by the professor. The goal is to find out how to maximize the effectiveness of healthcare agents in the field.

The professor also participated in a panel on political violence as commentator and presented a work on the size of City Councils and their impact on healthcare and education in Brazil.

The ‘75th Annual MPSA Conference’ was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and featured some of the leading political scientists and internationalists worldwide.