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Social Sciences

Professor attends debates on race and psychiatry in France

The international event discussed racial issues following the abolition of slavery and the theoretical equality of rights in colonial France, Madagascar, Argelia, the U.S. and Brazil.

Professor attends debates on race and psychiatry in France

Ynaê Santos, professor of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), participated in the event titled “Race et Psychiatrie”, held by the CESSMA laboratory of Université Paris Diderot on January 25. During the event, she presented part of the life and work of Juliano Moreira, a black physician regarded as the founder of Psychiatry in Brazil, responsible for transforming the relationship between race and madness in the First Republic.

The international event discussed racial issues following the abolition of slavery and the theoretical equality of rights in colonial France, Madagascar, Argelia, the U.S. and Brazil.

Santos also led another lecture at Université Paris Diderot, invited by Charlotte de Castelnau L’Estoile (ICT) and Marie-Jeanne Rossignol (Larca). During the event held on January 29, she spoke about the subject of her doctoral thesis: urban slavery in Rio de Janeiro and Havana.

Holding a PhD in Social History and a bachelor’s degree in History from USP, Santos leads the CPDOC’s Laboratory for Ethnic-Racial Studies.