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Social Sciences

Professor joins new State Chapter of National History Association

​​​​​​​Vivian Fonseca, FGV researcher, and the other members of the board were appointed on July 26, during the 1st International Meeting and 18th Anpuh-Rio Regional History Meeting: History and Partnerships.

Professor joins new State Chapter of National History Association

Vivian Fonseca, a researcher from FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), has been appointed to the new board of the National History Association – Rio de Janeiro Chapter (Anpuh-Rio). Fonseca and the other members of the board were appointed on July 26, during the 1st International Meeting and 18th Anpuh-Rio Regional History Meeting: History and Partnerships.

The scholar, who holds a PhD in History, Politics and Cultural Assets from CPDOC, works mainly in the field of History, conversing with Anthropology and Sociology, focused on the following themes: memory and identity, heritage, sports history, oral history, history education, cultural policies, political uses of the past, and history of capoeira. Fonseca coordinates the Oral History Program and the History Degree course at CPDOC. In addition, she is currently an assistant professor at UERJ’s Department of History.

Anpuh was established in 1961 under the mission of enriching History education, study, research and dissemination of History issues, defending sources and cultural events of interest to historical studies, defending the free exercise of the activities of History professionals, and representing the community of History professionals before administrative, legislative, funding, planning, scientific or academic organizations. Every two years, the organization hosts the National History Symposium – the largest and most important History event in Brazil and across Latin America. The next edition will be held in Recife, in 2019.

Go to this website for more information.