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Social Sciences

Racism and religious intolerance to be discussed at open event

The debate will raise awareness as to the need to respect diversity while combating religious intolerance and racial prejudice at educational institutions.


FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will host the debate titled “Walter Benjamin and the Caboclo of Pedra Preta: the school environment against the grain” on May 12, at 2 p.m. The lecturer will be historian Luiz Antonio Simas, building upon the concept of history against the grain to question the Eurocentric conformist education of history, even when addressing Africans and indigenous peoples, while discussing the epistemological racism supporting religious intolerance – including at schools – and presenting alternatives to eliminate it.

The event will be held under the disciplines of Didactic and Practice of Teaching History II and Sociology of Education. The debate will raise awareness as to the need to respect diversity while combating religious intolerance and racial prejudice at educational institutions.

Luiz Antonio Simas holds a master’s degree in History from UFRJ and wrote several books such as “O vidente míope”, about cartoonist J. Carlos and the 1920’s Rio de Janeiro, and “Pedrinhas Miudinhas: ensaios sobre ruas, aldeias e terreiros”, compiling 41 short essays on popular Rio de Janeiro culture of African origin, originally published on the O Globo newspaper, as well as other publications on the history of Samba.

For more information, in Portuguese, access the website.