Research on International Samba and Carnival Network released
According to the researcher, the world of samba in Rio de Janeiro is unaware of samba from around the world, and does not realize the importance that it has, along with Carnival, in adding value to Brazil’s image abroad.

When studying the globalization of Samba and defending the hypothesis that agents from the world of Samba and Carnival in the city of Rio de Janeiro have little connection with the many foreign Samba players around the world, researcher and professor Jair Martins de Miranda (UNIRIO) employed the methods of Social Network Analysis (SNA), Cartography, Intervention-Research, and participant observation to unveil the connections, social networks, and virtual communities in the world of Samba and Carnaval, within the framework of Digital Humanities. The findings of the thesis, developed during the Information Science Graduate Program of the affiliate UFRJ/IBICT, will be presented in the lecture ‘GLOBAL SAMBA: International Samba and Carnival Network,’ on April 5, at 3 PM, at the Digital Humanities Lab (LHuD) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC).
According to the researcher, the world of samba in Rio de Janeiro is unaware of samba from around the world, and does not realize the importance that it has, along with Carnival, in adding value to Brazil’s image abroad. This, along with other factors, ultimately causes the country to miss out on business opportunities, while its institutions fail to promote a public policy of intercultural exchange in the segment. This is one of the findings of the PhD thesis released in the unprecedented format of a collaborative online thesis.
In the online thesis, Jair Martins de Miranda leaves room for public collaboration. Anyone who visits the websitecan share their opinions about the topics, such as the eternal debate about the origins of Samba, the clash between tradition and innovation, as well as its ownership and cultural repercussions around the world.
Jair Martins de Miranda is a professor at School of Archival Science of Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO, coordinator of the Digital Collections Preservation and Management Lab (LABOGAD), Center for Humanities and Social Sciences of UNIRIO, the ‘Memorable Samba’ Research group, and the Global Samba Project.
The launch event will be held at CPDOC’s Archive House. Online registration is available via this website.
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