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Research on Shadow Banking wins Credit Guarantee Fund Award

The purpose of the study was to identify how the shadow banking system impacts the efficiency of the regular banking system and financial stability, through a comparative international analysis and studies on the inner workings of the Brazilian market.

Research on Shadow Banking wins Credit Guarantee Fund Award

Shadow Banking, also known as the non-banking financial institutions system, has already reached the mark of USD 45 trillion in total assets worldwide. On the one hand, financial innovations show that the existence of this system is essential for the stability of the markets. On the other hand, there are concerns about the economic impact of credit expansion cycles, especially due to the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis. An ongoing research at FGV’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP) on this topic has just received the 2018 Credit Guarantee Fund Award (FGC).

Titled “Shadow Banking, Innovation and Financial Stability”, the study is the result of the PhD thesis of Mariana Aparecida Calabrez Oreng, advised by professor Richard Saito. The purpose of the study was to identify how the shadow banking system impacts the efficiency of the regular banking system and financial stability, through a comparative international analysis and studies on the inner workings of the Brazilian market.

The FGC Award aims to encourage academic work on the subject of deposit guarantees. The winning entries are available on the award’s website.

Go to the website to learn more about the award and the winner.