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Social Sciences

‘Sociology of sport’: Webinar debates Ronaldo Helal’s intellectual production

Participants in the three days of debates will be invited to explore the different dimensions of the honored professor's intellectual production, based on the re-reading of his books and articles, published continuously over the past three decades

‘Sociology of sport’: Webinar debates Ronaldo Helal’s intellectual production

Between March 3 and 5, FGV’s Center for Research and Documentation of Contemporary Brazilian History (FGV CPDOC) will hold a seminar on the work of Ronaldo Helal, professor at the Department of Social Communication at UERJ, author of the book “What is sociology of sport?”, which recently celebrated its 30th year since publication.

Participants in the three days of debates will be invited to explore the different dimensions of the honored professor's intellectual production, based on the re-reading of his books and articles, published continuously over the past three decades. Production of the meetings is by a partnership of the Sports Studies Laboratory (LESP / FGV-CPDOC), the Media and Sports Studies Laboratory (LEME / UERJ) and the Ludopédio Portal.


3/3 - 2pm to 4pm - Table 1: Argentines and French: the 'others' for Brazilian Football

Pablo Alabarces (Department of Anthropology, University of Buenos Aires/UBA)
Bernardo Buarque (School of Social Sciences/FGV-CPDOC)
Mediation: Daniela Araújo (PhD student PPHPBC/FGV)

4/3 - 2pm to 4pm - Table 2:  Football idolatry and its reverse: the thousand faces of the sports hero

José Carlos Marques (Department of Communication/UNESP)
Luiz Henrique de Toledo (Department of Anthropology / UFSCar)
Mediation: Filipe Mostaro (LEME/UERJ)

5/3 - 2pm to 4pm - Table 3: A nation's media narratives: apogee and crisis in World Cup selection

Edison Gastaldo (Personnel Studies Center /Forte Duque de Caxias)
Leda Costa (Media and Sport Studies Laboratory /UERJ)
Mediação: Sérgio Giglio (UNICAMP/Portal Ludopédio)

For more information and registration visit the website .