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Social Sciences

Specialists address U.S. presidential elections’ history and prospects

The eyes of the world are on the upcoming U.S. presidential elections. Recent polls have put Joe Biden ahead, but a close contest is expected. Will this be the end of the Trump era?

Specialists address U.S. presidential elections’ history and prospects

On September 16, at 6 pm, the Laboratory for Political Studies at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) will hold a webinar called “U.S. Elections: History and Prospects.” The event, to be broadcast live via Zoom, will debate the presidential elections from a historical perspective and analyze the current situation of political polarization that has marked American society in recent years, under President Donald Trump.

The eyes of the world are on the upcoming U.S. presidential elections. Recent polls have put Joe Biden ahead, but a close contest is expected. Will this be the end of the Trump era? Will it be the Democrats’ turn? If the Democrats do win, will this decrease or increase the political polarization seen in recent years in the United States and across much of the world? Will Donald Trump’s reelection allow conservatives and even extremists to grow stronger?

The answers to these questions will only come after the elections in November, but American contemporary history specialists Gabriel Onofre (teacher at Pedro II College), Pedro Portocarrero Pinheiro (PhD in history from Fluminense Federal University) and Roberto Mall (Fluminense Federal University professor) will debate the elections from both historical and current perspectives.

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