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Social Sciences

Study on affection and oppression in domestic work receives award at social sciences event 

When it comes to domestic workers in general, the markers of race, color and gender are pervading themes in Brazil.

Study on affection and oppression in domestic work receives award at social sciences event 

Amanda dos Santos Lemos, a doctoral student at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC), came second in the “Graduate Symposium” category in the Luiza Bairros Awards, which were presented during the 46th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Graduate Studies in Social Sciences. Advised by Professor Silvia Monnerat, the researcher presented a paper titled “Affection and Oppression: The Contradictions Involved in Paid Domestic Work.”

When it comes to domestic workers in general, the markers of race, color and gender are pervading themes in Brazil. Contemporary paid domestic work retains the servile and dehumanizing logic of the work carried out by “black mothers” in colonial Brazil, Lemos argues. It is necessary to analyze this issue critically, she says, understanding that this type of work reaffirms the racist, sexist, colonial and patriarchal values that formed our society, legitimizing social and racial inequalities, present in our history since the abolition of slavery. Lemos focused on this theme throughout her study. 

The Luiza Bairros Awards aim to encourage scientific output in Brazil in areas related to ethnic-racial relations, racism, racial inequalities and intersectionality, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. The awards also seek to encourage and promote the dissemination of works of academic and intellectual excellence in these areas of knowledge.

The awards were handed out during the awards session at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Graduate Studies in Social Sciences, livestreamed on the association’s YouTube channel, in October 2022.