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Social Sciences

Talk addresses relationship between skateboarding performance and territoriality

Andréa Casanova Maia will talk about how skateboarding in Brazil has developed into a legitimate cultural manifestation for young people, who have taken over certain territories in cities, previous abandoned or associated with other uses.

Talk addresses relationship between skateboarding performance and territoriality

On October 3, starting at 4 pm, the Laboratory for Sports Studies (LESP) at the FGV´s School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) will host a talk called “What can a body do? Skateboarding performance and the right to the city.” The guest speaker will be Professor Andréa Casanova Maia, of Rio de Janeiro Federal University’s History Institute. The event will take place in Auditorium 406 in FGV’s main building (Praia de Botafogo, 190, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro).

The guest will talk about how skateboarding in Brazil has developed into a legitimate cultural manifestation for young people, who have taken over certain territories in cities, previous abandoned or associated with other uses.

The talk will showcase images that have a message about young people’s cultural practices, presenting the memories of skateboarders, references to skateboarding in specialized magazines and the media in general, and private audiovisual content produced by skateboarders themselves.

Maia has undergraduate and master’s degrees in history from Minas Gerais Federal University, a PhD in history from Fluminense Federal University and a post-doctorate in history from Minas Gerais Federal University.

She is currently the coordinator of the Brazilian History Area of Rio de Janeiro Federal University’s History Institute and a professor of republican Brazilian history and art history.

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