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Social Sciences

War on corruption: New book discusses lessons learned

One of the most notorious investigations into corruption in Brazil, Operation Car Wash turned the country’s political scene upside down and affected politicians from several different parties. This subject is addressed in the new book by FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC).

War on corruption: New book discusses lessons learned

One of the most notorious investigations into corruption in Brazil, Operation Car Wash has turned the country’s political scene upside down and affected politicians from several different parties. This subject is addressed in the new book by the professor of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC), Sérgio Praça:Guerra à Corrupção: lições da Lava Jato’ [War on Corruption: lessons learned from Operation Car Wash].

The work is the result of the author’s investigative efforts in search of information on the operation. The text provides a qualified political analysis, discussing the underlying reasons behind acts of corruption and how Operation Car Wash relates to this phenomenon.

Divided into four parts, the book offers a fluid and objective approach, avoiding cliches and generalizations. Each finding was effectively checked to ensure credibility and allow readers to clearly understand the mechanism of corruption. Sérgio Praça covers issues such as vote-buying, fraud in public bidding, vices and virtues of regulatory agencies, and plea bargains and leniency agreements.

Go to the website for more information on the book.