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Social Sciences

Webinar looks at impacts of digital sociology

The event will present an overview of the work of social scientists and their impacts, exploring their limitations and possibilities.

Webinar looks at impacts of digital sociology

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will hold a webinar called “Digital Sociology in Debate” on September 16, at 2 pm, on FGV’s YouTube channel. The event will present an overview of the work of social scientists and their impacts, exploring their limitations and possibilities.

The mass use of digital technologies has changed social relationships, characteristics and attitudes. It is known that different aspects of contemporary social life have been heavily affected by digital information and communication technologies. Thus, different characteristics of cultures, policies and relationships, among other aspects of society, are being altered.

Furthermore, the mass production of digital data poses a challenge to sociology, demanding new reflections and interfaces with objects. Social scientists have been trying to analyze transformations in the field through new debates and reflections, supported by new literature and the use of new research techniques and computational tools.

To take part in the event, please sign up here.