Women’s rights: researcher presents study on feminism and labor laws in Brazil
The Laboratory for Labor and Social Movement Studies (LEMT) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will hold the lecture ‘Women’s rights – Feminism and labor legislation (1917-1937)’ on November 16.

The Laboratory for Labor and Social Movement Studies (LEMT) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will hold the lecture ‘Women’s rights – Feminism and labor legislation (1917-1937)’ on November 16 at 2 p.m. The event will feature research by Gláucia Fraccaro (PUC-Campinas) and comments by Fabiana Popinigis (UFRRJ), and will be held in auditorium 307 of FGV’s main office in Rio de Janeiro (Praia de Botafogo, 190. Botafogo).
The author will present the main results of her doctoral thesis, defended in the History Department at Unicamp and winner of the 2017 Worlds of Labor Award of the Brazilian Association for the Study of Labor (ADET). The study seeks to understand the historical process of labor legislation construction, relating it to the trajectory of feminism in a perspective ‘from below,’ emphasizing its transitional networks and political dimension. The lecture will highlight how the labor and feminist movements shaped the field of dispute which resulted in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).
Fraccaro, who holds a PhD and a Master’s degree in History from Unicamp, is currently a professor at PUC-Campinas, and her research addresses the history of feminism, women, and gender, as well as leftist history in Brazil.
Go to the website for more information.
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