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Executive Education

Innovation ecosystems are the subject of an online debate

The event, organized by FGV In Company and GV-executivo, will be held on February 19 at 6pm.

Ecossistemas de inovação é tema de debate online

FGV In Company, in partnership with GV-executivo, will hold a webinar on the strategies, management and impact of innovation ecosystems on February 19 at 6pm.

The aim of the event is to discuss ways of orchestrating and establishing governance between such diverse participants and how to achieve results in interdependent relationships that are not always easy, among other aspects. Researchers and managers are increasingly focusing on innovation ecosystems. Interest has become increasingly evident in understanding how companies, universities, governments and civil society interact in these environments, with a view to generating innovation and fostering entrepreneurial activity.

Check out the speakers:

  • Carlos Alberto Frantz dos Santos, professor at UERGS
  • Dario Vedana, head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center at Belas Artes
  • Iracema Aragão, professor at the Federal University of Sergipe
  • Mariela Fontenelle Assis, associate researcher at FGV EAESP

The panelists will be Juliana Bonomi Santos de Campos, professor at FGV EAESP, and Luciana Harumi Hashiba, professor at FGV EAESP. The moderator will be Adriana Wilner, co-editor-in-chief of GV-executivo.


Date: 19/02/2025
Time: 6pm
Venue: Online

Click here for more information and registration