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Amazon Dialogues series: webinar looks at ESG and investing in the Amazon

The event is part of a series of webinars called Amazon Dialogues, a digital platform to discuss topics related to sustainable socioeconomic development in the Brazilian Amazon.

Amazon Dialogues series: webinar looks at ESG and investing in the Amazon

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Sao Paulo School of Economics (FGV EESP) is holding a free online debate about “ESG, Investments and the Amazon.” The event is part of a series of webinars called Amazon Dialogues, a digital platform to discuss topics related to sustainable socioeconomic development in the Brazilian Amazon with the whole of organized civil society. This is the second event in the series this year.

Making investment decisions requires much more than evaluations of potential financial returns, and when it comes to investing in the Brazilian Amazon, environmental, social and corporate governance responsibilities, known collectively as ESG, are especially important. In this context, investment must be aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The speakers will be Denise Hills, the sustainability director of Natura &Co in Latin America; and Régia Moreira Leite, a board member of the Amazonas State Industry Center (CIEAM) and director of the Amazonas State Industry Federation (FIEAM). The moderators will be Márcio Holland, the coordinator of FGV EESP’s Master’s in Finance and Economics Program; and Daniel Vargas, FGVAgro’s research director.

To take part in the webinar, please sign up here.