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FGV EPGE and GeFam hold 3rd Brazilian Family and Gender Economics Meeting

The meeting’s purpose is to share the findings of research undertaken in this field in Brazil and other countries.

FGV EPGE and GeFam hold 3rd Brazilian Family and Gender Economics Meeting

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (FGV EPGE) and the Family and Gender Economics Study Group (GeFam) are holding the 3rd Brazilian Family and Gender Economics Meeting – a conference that will bring together researchers, public policy makers, students and other people interested in this topic.

The meeting’s purpose is to share the findings of research undertaken in this field in Brazil and other countries. The conference will take place over two days, on September 1 and 2, 2022, allowing participants to exchange their knowledge and experiences.

The event will feature some renowned international researchers in the area of family and gender, who will be visiting a Brazilian education and research institution for the first time. The keynote speech, titled “Gender Economics: Dead-Ends and New Opportunities,” will be given by Professor Shelly Lundberg of the University of California, Santa Barbara. The event’s closing lecture, called “Development as a Pathway to Gender Equality,” will be given by Professor Seema Jayachandran of Princeton University.

There will be 12 sessions in which researchers from various countries will present 47 academic papers, as well as four special panel discussions on the following themes: Gender and Public Policy Assessment; Women in the Labor Market and Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty; Women in the Economy; and Gender, Family and Public Policies.

To take part, please sign up here.

You can see the preliminary program here.