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Inflation in Brazil measured by IPC-S registers high in second week of January

Four of the eight expense categories that comprise the Weekly Consumer Price Index recorded a higher price variation.


Published on January 15 by FGV’s Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE), the Weekly Consumer Price Index (IPC-S) showed a variation of 0.62% – 0.12 percentage point (p.p.) above the last published rate.

Four of the eight expense categories that comprise the index recorded a higher price variation. The main contributing factor was the “Education, Reading, and Recreation” group (0.78% to 1.95%). In this expense category, it is also important to mention the behavior of the ‘formal courses’ item, which varied from 1.17% to 3.75%.

The following groups also recorded rate variations: “Housing” (-0.28% to 0.01%), “Transports” (0.96% to 1.06%) and “Food” (0.75% to 0.77%). The following items stand out in these expense categories: household power bill (-3.96% to -2.55%), urban bus fare (0.68% to 1.52%), and vegetables (-1.38% to -0.06%), respectively.

On the other hand, the “Clothing” (0.27% to -0.41%), “Health & Personal Care” (0.66% to 0.56%) and “Miscellaneous Expenses” (1.24% to 0.92%) groups showed lower variation rates. The main contributing items in this category were clothing (0.29% to -0.60%), personal care and hygiene items (0.75% to 0.16%), and cigarettes (2.51% to 1.60%), respectively.

The “Communication” group recorded the same price change as in the last assessment, 0.36%. Major upward and downward factors were mobile phone rate (0.30% to 0.54%) and cable TV monthly rate (0.74% to 0.47%), respectively.

Please visit the website to read the complete report, available in Portuguese.